
Phnom Chiso < Period before Angkor >


Phnom Chiso is 62 kilometers south from Phnom Penh can be accessible bythe National Road number 2. Phnom Chiso has an ancient ruined temple; thetemple is damaged, but is still better than other else in this area. On the top ofthe mountain, we can view the beautiful scenery of rice fields in TakeoProvince. The King Sorya Varman I built the temple of Phnom Chiso on thetop of a 380-meter height mountain, dedicated to Brahmanism in early 11th century (1002-1050).
The mountain can be climbed up by popular stair having 180 steps and downby southern stair having 408 steps. Next to the top of southern stair, there isanother ancient stair located in front of the temple. This ancient stair was builtat the same time to the temple and linked to the temples of Sep Chhmos andSen Ro Vang, and the Tonle Oum, the lake considered as the sacred lakeduring the ancient time used for washing human sin in Brahmanism. At a rockyard having 100-meter length and 80-meter width, there are many templeswere built in different times.Chi So Mountain is the historical site of Takeo Province; it has shown theancient temple which is the cultural heritage, the civilization.

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