
Sea Festival in Kep Province

About 300 Athletes to compete in 9 Kinds of Sport during the Sea Festival in Kep Province.

The Second Edition of the SEA festival will be held at the Coastal City of Kep Province this December with Athletes competing in 9 different sports discipline. This was made known by the NOCC Secretary General, H.E Vath Chamroeun.

The Event will take place from 29th to 30th December 2012 with athletes competing in the following:

 3 km and 5 km swimming, 3 km, 5 km and 10 km running,  Boat racing (canoe-Kayak) and traditional boat, Triathlon and Duathlon, Beach Volleyball,  Khmer Free Boxing, Jetskies, Paragliding, Skaterstan.

According to the Secretary General, about 60,000-80,000 visitors are expected to attend the 2 day event with about 300 athletes competitng in the various sports activities.

The first edition was held in Sihanoukville in 2011 during the count down to 2012 with about 60,000 visitors The NOCC Secretary General stated..

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